We might consider others fonts, if we must. Best fonts for Vietnamese are “Times New Roman” and “Arial”.

CAT tools are a great thing, but breaking it down into small chunks, TM might put something in from some other contexts that simply won’t work here.

The Vietnamese sentence could have conveyed all the meanings, but does it look like a word-word translation? Does it sound like a Vietnamese author wrote it, and not a “translated” version? Sentences should “flow” naturally as if they were written a Vietnamese author.Does the Vietnamese sentence convey ALL necessary meanings of the source sentence? When the sentence gets long and complicated, spend extra time to make extra sure that we are not missing anything.Now that the English sentence looks fine, and I get a good idea of what it means, I then read the Vietnamese sentence.If there is a source text error, make a note to communicate with the project manager/client. Does it make sense? Source text errors are uncommon, but it happens. Here is my step-step English – Vietnamese editing procedure: